Open Call for Projects

Do you have a project that you would like to submit for DRI funding? Download and complete the Open Call for Projects Application below.

Submissions are due:

Friday, August 9, 2024 at 5:00 pm

Questions regarding project eligibility, evaluation, or the project forms can be directed to Adam Bonosky at

To Submit the Form

  • Via email: email your completed application and any supplemental materials to:


  • Via hard copy: mail or hand-deliver to:

    • SWBR

      attn: Adam Bonosky

      Miller Center

      387 East Main Street

      Rochester, NY 14604

Have a project that doesn’t qualify for DRI funding, but qualifies for a Small Project Fund? Download and complete the Small Project Fund Interest Form!

Even if your project does not qualify for DRI grand funding, it may qualify for funding from a Small Project Fund. The Small Project Fund is a type of DRI project that could help fund a range of improvements in a DRI area, such as building improvements (e.g., facades, interior fit-out, HVAC, etc.), business assistance (e.g., permanent equipment acquisition), or public art.

For the Small Project Fund to be included in the slate of proposed DRI projects submitted to the State, it is important to document interest in it. The Grand Gorge & Roxbury Local Planning Committee is seeking letters of interest from business and/or property owners to show that there are property and/or business owners interested in participating in this program.

Interest Forms are due:

Friday, August 9, 2024

To Submit the form, send it via email to:

Watch the recording of the Open Call for Projects Application Webinar held July 10, 2024.

Here you can learn more about the New York State DRI, how the process works, and how to fill out the Open Call for Projects Application!


Eligible Project Types

  • Public Improvement Projects. These may include projects such as streetscape and transportation improvements, recreational trails, wayfinding signage, new and upgraded parks, plazas, public art, green infrastructure, and other public realm projects that will contribute to the revitalization of the downtown.

  • New Development and/or Rehabilitation of Existing Downtown Buildings. Projects in this category may include the development or redevelopment of real property for mixed-use, commercial, residential, not-for-profit, or public uses. All projects should be capital investments or should lead to capital investments. They should have a visible and functional impact on the downtown, serving as catalytic or transformative projects that will provide employment opportunities, housing choices, and/or services for the community.

  • Small Project Fund. A locally managed matching small project fund may be proposed to undertake a range of smaller downtown projects such as facade enhancements, building renovation improvements to commercial or mixed-use spaces, business assistance, or public art. Funds are capped at $600,000 for DRI communities.

  • Branding and Marketing. Examples include downtown branding and marketing projects that may target residents, investors, developers, tourists, and/or visitors. The costs eligible under this category must be one-time expenses, such as those to develop materials and signage.

Note: If your project does not meet all of the criteria described above, we still want to hear your project idea.

Ineligible Project Types

  • Planning activities. Following the preparation of the Strategic Investment Plan, all DRI funds must be used for projects that directly implement the plan.

  • Operations and maintenance. DRI funds cannot be used for on-going or routine expenses, such as staff salaries and wages, rent, utilities, and property up keep.

  • Pre-award costs. Reimbursement for costs incurred before the completion of the Strategic Investment Plan and the announcement of funding awards is not permitted.

  • Property acquisition. The cost of property acquisition can be included in the overall project budget, but the acquisition must be funded by another funding source.

  • Training and other program expenses. The DRI and NYF programs are a one-time infusion of funds and cannot be used to cover continuous costs, such as training costs and expensed related to existing programs.

  • Expenses related to existing programs. DRI funds cannot be used to supplement existing programs or replace existing resources.

Project Requirements


The following are the requirements projects should meet to be considered for DRI funding. Recognizing several requirements must be met to qualify for DRI funding, each project sponsor will have access to technical support from State agencies and a consultant team to assist with project development.

  • Project Location. Projects must be located within the DRI boundary. If your project is located outside the DRI boundary, please provide a brief description of how the project relates to the downtown and supports the stated goals of the DRI. Minor boundary modifications may be considered by the LPC.

  • Project Timing. Projects must be able to break ground within two years or sooner of receiving DRI funding.

  • Project Size and Scale. Projects must be large enough to be truly transformative for the downtown area. Standalone DRI projects must be at least $75,000 in total project cost. Projects less than $75,000 can be submitted through this process as demonstration of demand for a Small Project Fund.

  • Project Funding. Projects should have financing commitments largely secured or be able to demonstrate a clear path to securing sufficient financing. It is strongly encouraged that all projects, especially private projects, use non-DRI funds that leverage requested public funding. Projects that use other funding sources will be more competitive for funding awards.

  • Minimum Match. For projects with a private sponsor, a minimum match of 25% of the total project cost is required.

  • Project Sponsors. Every project must have an identified project sponsor. Sponsors may be public, not-for-profit, or private entities with the capacity and legal authority to undertake the proposed project.

  • Description of long-term financial feasibility: At a minimum, project sponsors will be required to submit documentation demonstrating the ability to financially maintain the business/building after project completion

  • Building Decarbonization. For DRI communities, all public, private, and not-for-profit projects that meet the criteria for new construction, substantial renovation, or a building addition shall include decarbonization techniques. Each project that meets the criteria will be required to select a method of demonstrating that the project satisfies the requirements.

  • Provide images of project, if applicable